Benefits of God’s Word

A while back I found a list while spending too much time on Pinterest. It was a list of 15 Reasons to Read the Bible Every Day. I don’t know who put the list together, but it gave some of the reasons why God’s Word is so beneficial for us every single day of our lives!

No matter how many times you think you have read it. No matter how much you study, there is always something new to be gained from God if we will listen. David, in Psalm 119, mentions some ways that he saw God’s Word as beneficial.

It Gives Strength & Renewal in Hard Times

“I am afflicted very much;
Revive me, O Lord, according to Your word.”
Psalm 119:107

When our days are long and hard we can find comfort in God’s Word. David stated it was God’s Word that revived him. I know I need reviving at times and reading the love and promises in scripture do just that. It reminds me that this world with its pain and worries is not all there is, there is a greater life that I can look forward to one day.

It Teaches Us

“Oh, how I love Your law! It is my meditation all the day.
98 You, through Your commandments,
make me wiser than my enemies;
For they are ever with me.
99 I have more understanding than all my teachers,
For Your testimonies are my meditation.
100 I understand more than the ancients,
Because I keep Your precepts.
101 I have restrained my feet from every evil way,
That I may keep Your word.”
Psalm 119:97-101

God’s Word is available to teach us. It teaches us how to live, how to have relationships, how to love, how to worship, how to trust. There is no way I could list all that God teaches us in His Word. David said it made him wiser than his enemies. He was able to withstand those who would do him wrong through the wisdom gained from God. Meditating on it all day gave him more understanding than his teachers and the “ancients” (those who came before).

We are blessed to say the same thing. Have you ever thought about how much of God’s Word we have compared to what David had available to him? Take a look for yourself and compare. Open your Bible and separate the pages of Genesis to Job, you can even include the Psalms if you would like (since David wrote them during his life). Compare that to the whole of scripture.

We have so much more available now than the ancients. We have the full revelation of God’s Word; God’s full plan of redemption and we should take advantage of that and dig into it daily!

It Gives Life

“I will never forget Your precepts,
For by them You have given me life.”
Psalm 119:93

The greatest thing we can gain from constant contact with God’s Word is life! True life is offered within those pages! Life more abundant (John 10:10)! Eternal life (John 10:28)! There is power in the Word of God that allows us to pass from death to life (John 5:24). We must regard it as the powerful treasure it really is and spend as much time as possible in it!

Let me know how the Word benefits your daily walk!

I pray that you have found life in His Word!

In Christian Love,

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